Research Papers
- Fifty Years of Indian Journal of Criminology: A Bibliometric Study. Indian Journal of Criminology. Special Issue (2023).
IJC SPECIAL ISSUE 2023 - Need for Implementing the ‘Right to Be Forgotten’ in India. Journal of Indian Law Institute Vol. 65.1 (2023)
- Questioning the Feasibility of the Criminal Procedure (Identification) Act, 2022 in the Practical Lawyer, Issue 270 (2022)
https://profgsbajpai.in/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/Practical-Lawyer-issue-270-july-2022.pdf - Current Status and Challenges of Protection and Support for Victims in India, Korean Journal of Victimology (2022). https://profgsbajpai.in/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/KOREAN-JOURNAL-OF-VICTIMOLOGY.pdf
- The Emergent Paradigm of Victim Justice, Global Advances in Victimology and Psychological Studies, JIBS, Vol. 1, Issue 1, (2022) https://profgsbajpai.in/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/SSRN-id4147356.pdf
- "Transport and Crime: An Account of Crimes Against Women in Cabs in the Delhi/NCR Region", published in Indian Journal of Criminology, Vol. 49(1) (2021) (pgs 01-24).
- “Happiness and Criminal Victimization: A Study of Relationship and Restoration”, published in Journal of Victimology and Victim Justice (Sage) (2021) (pgs 01-26) (https://doi.org/10.1177/25166069211013588)
- “Crime and Development: A Criminological Study”, published in A Global Perspective of Victimology & Criminology, Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow (2020) (pgs 74-97) (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-CV2cVKsSlR3B73pl-Wkhv1-Uxi_y6ms/view?usp=sharing)
- “Transfer of Criminal Matters: Is it ensuring Fair Trial?”, published in the Journal of the Indian Law Institute (JILI) Vol 61(3) 2019 (pgs 391-400) (https://drive.google.com/file/d/11fuwkJFcfwCwdoxD-Vyfo24Xk_q80OUe/view?usp=sharing)
- “Multinational Corporate Criminal Negligence: A Case Study of the Bhopal Disaster India”, authored by Prof. Dr. G. S. Bajpai and Bir Pal Singh, published in the Book ‘International and Transnational Crime and Justice (pgs 109-113) (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1al989um08Pfk9qNBJIvLfU6lxuWn1SPJ/view)
- The ‘Contemporary Law Review’, MNLU Nagpur, published a Research Paper titled “Existency for Law on Hate Crime Against Racial Minorities: A Comparative Study with Special Reference to North-East People in India”, authored by Prof. (Dr.) G. S. Bajpai and Garima Pal
(https://drive.google.com/file/d/1LPxcJjSMig8_ DD07v7ylbUl0OqxY_txZ/view? fbclid=IwAR3inpvMqTew- pJcynuqPwTdkJA293CA5Y8zOkQu_ SeWDGYNP82vnExA56U) - ‘Innovative Teaching Pedagogies in Law: A Critical Analysis of Methods and Tools’ in Special Issue on Teaching Methods & Techniques, Contemporary Law Review, Volume II, Number 1 (2018), MNLU Nagpur
- ‘Thwarting Radicalization in India: Lacunae in Policy Initiatives’ in Journal of National Law University, Delhi Volume 4, 2016-2017
- ‘Developing Protocols for Women Victims of Sexual Crimes’ in ‘Congress of the International Society of Criminology’ by Lexis-Nexis in October 2016
- ‘Evolving Victimological Juridprudence: A View from Supreme Court Cases’ in Journal of National Law University, Delhi Volume3, 2015-2016
- Locating the Crime Victim in Criminal Procedure Ideologies, Tokiwa International Victimology Institute Journal – International Perspectives in Victimology (Vol 8, Number 1, March 2014)
- ‘Law Impact Assessment: Need, Scope& Methodology’ NULJ, Nirma University Vol.1 Issue 1 July 2011
- ‘Corporate Criminal Liability: Issues & Perspective, Indian Journal of Criminology and Criminalistics, Jan-July, 2011
- Witness & Criminal Justice, Indian Law Review, Vol 1 (2010)
- Authored two course Units on ‘ Foundation of criminology’ and ‘Restorative Justice’ for the PG course on Criminal Justice Administration of IGNOU
- ‘GIS and Crime Mapping’ Journal of RMLNLIU, Lucknow (2010)
- A chapter on ‘Bhopal Industrial Disaster: Corporate Negligence’ in the ‘International Crime Justice book’, Cambridge Press.
- A Chapter on ‘Criminology Studies’ in Survey of Sociology & Social Anthropology, ICCSR ( 2009)
- A Comparative Study of Frustration, Depression, & Deprivation amongst Trainee and Serving Police Officials, Indian Journal of Criminology and Criminalistics, Vol.XXVII, No 3 Sept-December (2006)
- Crime & Disorder Reduction Partnership: The British Experiences, Indian Journal of Criminology and Criminalistics , Vol. XXVII, No.2, May-August (2006)
- Reducing Crime: British Ways, Indian Journal of Criminology, Vol. 34(1&2), Jan.& July (2006)
- Psycho-social Consequences of Victimization in Rape, International perspectives in Victimology, vol.2, No.1, July (2006) pp. 67-81
- Developing Human Rights Sensitization Programme for Police, Indian Journal of Criminology and Criminalistics (2005).
- Situational Crime Prevention& Crime Reduction Disorders, The Indian Police Journal. Vol.LII, No 3, July-Sept, 2005
- Experiences of Cynicism, Occupational Stress and Anxiety amongst Trainees & Serving police officials, Indian Journal of Criminology, Vol. 33(1&2), Jan.& July (2005)
- Post Victimization Consequences in Rape cases: Psycho Social Perspective, The Indian Police Journal, Oct- Dec,Vol LI, No 4,(2004)
- Crime Reduction and Situational Crime Prevention The Indian Police Journal. Vol.LI, No 1, Jan-Mar,2004
- Conflict Management through Restorative Justice, The Indian Police Journal, Jan-Mar., (2002)
- The Insecured People- A Tale of Victims of Terrorism, Journal of the Institute of Human Rights, Vol.V, No. 1, June (2002)
- Enforcement of Human Rights- Quest for Alternatives, Journal of Institute of Human Rights, (Dec. 2001)
- On Informal Arrest and Human Rights Violations, Indian Journal of Criminology, Jan.- Mar,( 2000)
- Victimological Applications to Police Work, Agenda papers for XXIX. All India Police Science Congress held at Lucknow (1997).
- Conception of Deviant Victim: An approach to Devictimization, Indian Journal of Criminology, 15, No. 2 (July 1997).
- Victim-resistance Measures in Victimization of personal Violence. The Indian Journal of Criminology & Criminalistics, Vol. VIII, No. 1:2, (Jan-June, 1997).
- Formulating a Model Scheme for Victim-Assistance in India, Agenda papers for XXVIII All India Police Science Congress at Phillaur (Jan 3-5, 1997).
- "Violence and the State", Journal of Criminology and Criminalistics, Vol. XVII, No. (Jan-April, 1996).
- "Custodial Crimes : Some Observations, CBI Bulletin, Vol. 3, No. 7, 1995.
- "Human Rights and Police : Need for Realistic Approach, SVP Journal. (July-Dec. 1995, III).
- "Victims of Violent Crime. A Study in Victimology. Police Research & Development. (April-June, 1994).
- "Violence : Some Implications of Development. Police Research & Development (Jan.-Mar. 1994).
- “Organized Crime: International Scenario". Police Research & Development (Oct.-Dec. 1993).
- "On Development and Crime". Police Research and Development (April, June, 1993).
- "Some Critical Issues in the Criminal Justice System of India". The Indian Police Journal, XXXX No. 1 (1993).
- Risk of Criminal Victimization: An Assessment of Personnel Factors, Social Defence, Vol. XXXII (Oct. 1992).
- "Implications of Economic Liberalization for Crime and Policing" Police Research and Development, (July- Sept. 1992 III).
- Community Policing-Concept and Applications Police Research and Development, (July-Sept. III, 1990).
- Dynamics of Victim-Offender Interaction, The Indian Jour. Of Criminology and Criminalistics. Vol. VIII No. 3-4, (July-Dec. 1988).
- Mode of Victimization in Violent Crime, The Indian Journal of Criminology & Criminalistics, vol. VII, No. 1 (January-march, 1988).
- Mode of Victimization in Violent Crime, The Indian Journal of Criminology & Criminalistics, vol. VII, No. 1 (Jan. - March, 1988).
- A Study in Motive behind Victimization, Indian Journal of Criminology, Vol. 16, No. 2 (July 1988).
- Victim-recidivism in some violent offences, Social Defence, XXII, No. 8 (July, 1987).
- Victim-resistance Measures: A Victimological Perspective, Indian Journal of Criminology, Vol. 15, No. 1 (January 1987).
- Victim-precipitation in some Violent Offences, Indian Journal of Criminology, 14, No. 2 (July 1986)
- The study of Victim-precipitation in Some Property Offences. Indian Journal of Criminology, 14 No. (January 1986).