Present Positions
Position last held
- Vice-Chancellor, Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law, Punjab 2021 - 2023)
- Registrar, National Law University Delhi 2014-2020
- Chair Professor - K.L. Arora Chair in Criminal Law, NLU Delhi
- Chairperson of Centre for Criminology and Victimology (CCV)
- Professor (Criminology & Criminal Justice), NLU, Delhi
- Professor & Chairperson, NLIU, Bhopal (MP)
- Faculty of Department of Criminology of Dr. H.S. Gour University for about 10 years.
- Assistant Professor in Criminology of Punjab Police Academy, (affiliated to G.N.D. University Amritsar).
- Junior Analyst Officer (Gazetted) in the Bureau of Police Research & Development, Ministry or Home Affairs, New Delhi for about 6 years (1989-95).
- Research Associate in the Criminal Justice Administration Division of the Indian Institute of Public Administration, for specified research assignments.
Experience / Service Categories
- 25 years of Teaching Experience at Post Graduation Level
- 20 years of Guiding Research at Doctoral Level
- 25 years of Research Experience
Professor since 2007
Registrar since 2014 to 2021
- Criminology, Criminal law & Criminal Justice Administration, Victimology & Legal research methodology

- Doctorate Degree (Spl. Victim & Criminal Justice Administration)
- Master Degree in Criminology & Criminal Law
- PG Diploma in Victimology (Japan)
Administrative Experience
Possesses over 20 years of Administrative Experience in various capacities at the Central Government/State Government/University level
General Administration
- Worked as the Registrar of the National Law University Delhi, since 2014. Efficiently managing the entire spectrum of Academic and Non-Academic affairs of the University in coordination with the Vice-Chancellor of NLU Delhi.
- Also, worked as Proctor at the National Law University Delhi since 2014.
- Acted as Administrative Head of all major Committees at the National Law University Delhi, such as Curriculum Development Committee, Examination Committee, Purchase Committee, Admission Committee, Faculty Selection Committee, Non-teaching Staff Selection Committee, Accreditation Committee, Committees created for establishment of new Academic Programmes, Hostel Welfare Committee, etc.
- Brought about reforms in Academic and Examination Regulations of under-graduate, postgraduate and doctoral level programmes.
- Implemented Career Advancement Scheme (CAS) for the promotion of faculty members at NLU Delhi.
- Direct recruitment of faculty members as per the UGC Norms.
- Reforms in Service Rules and Regulations.
- Promotion of administrative staff members.
- Instrumental in bringing and building International collaborations for the National Law University Delhi, with many Universities across the globe such as VU University Amsterdam; Sheffield Hallam University U.K.; Law faculty Tilburg University in Netherlands; University of Bergen, Norway; School of Oriental and African Studies, London; etc.
- Instrumental in signing of MoU with National Academic Depository (NAD) and digitising the transcripts, degrees, etc. awarded to students.
- Working as Vice-Chairman, Indian Society of Criminology, Chennai, and managing the entire affairs of the society
Academic Administration:
- Possess more than 25 years of experience of teaching at Postgraduate and Doctorate Level.
- Launched a new LL.M Professional Programme at the National Law University, Delhi for working executives
- Guided more than ten Doctoral Students in their Ph.D research mainly in the areas of Criminal Law, Criminology, Human Rights, Police Behaviour and Criminal Justice.
- Published more than eighty research papers, articles, monographs and books.
- Have been a Visiting Professor to a number of University such as University of Wurzburg, Sheffield Hallam University, University of Paris, Tokiwa University, University of Budapest, Tilburg University (the Netherlands) etc.
- Handling National Academy for Law Teachers (NALT) at the National Law University, Delhi and organizing various Capacity Development and training programmes for various stakeholders.
- Organized more than eighty National and International Conferences / Seminars / Workshops and Training Programmes for the faculty members of various universities, Delhi Police, Punjab Police, Haryana Police, Bureau of Police, Research and Development.