Participated and Presented Papers, in over 50 Conferences and Seminars on National and International levels.
Organised several for NLU Delhi, since his tenure here 2011 onwards, namely
- ‘National Workshop on ‘Qualitative Methods in Legal Research’, with special focus on Atlas-Ti Applications. This was under the aegis of ‘National Academy of Law Teachers’ (NALT), and ‘Centre for Criminology & Victimology’ (CCV), from 24-26 September, 2018. Prof. Bajpai addressed the participants on, ‘Data Analysis in Doctrinal Research.’
- ‘National Conference on Exploring Critical Perspectives in Criminal Law’, under the auspices of ‘K. L. Arora Chair in Criminal Law’, NLU Delhi, and ‘Centre for Criminology & Victimology’, NLU Delhi, on 18-19 June, 2018. He addressed the audience on ‘Exploring Critical Perspectives in Criminal Law’ and ‘Positive Obligations in Criminal Law’
- ‘Two-Day Training for Trainers Programme’ (TOT), for ‘Officers of the Police Training Institutions’ of Delhi Police, on 20-21 November, 2017.
- ‘National Conference on Wrongful Prosecution: Rights, Protection and Assistance’, under the auspices of ‘K. L. Arora Chair in Criminal Law’, NLU Delhi, ‘Centre for Criminology & Victimology’, NLUD, and ‘Indian Society of Victimology’; on 18 November, 2017.
- ‘International Empirical Legal Research Methodology Workshop’, from 22-28 May, 2017.
- ‘Stakeholder’s Dialogue on Restorative Justice’, in association with ‘Counsel to Secure Justice’, on 20 May, 2017.
- ‘Training Programme on Cyber Policing’, in collaboration with ‘Bureau of Police Research and Development’ (BPR&D); on 25-26 April, 2017.
- ‘Critical Theory and Criminal Justice: A Workshop’, in association with ‘University of Warwick’, U.K., from 6-7 April, 2017. He presented a paper on ‘Wrongful Prosecution – A Critical Concern in Indian Criminal Law’.
- ‘Train the Trainer Programme: Improving Access to Justice for Women and Girl Victims of Violence’. This was in collaboration with ‘Sheffield Hallam University’, U.K., from 5-7 April, 2017.
- ‘Conference on Pre-Trial Process’, in association with ‘Pepperdine University School of Law’, on 14-15 March, 2017. He Chaired sessions on ‘Juveniles in Criminal Justice System’ and ‘Plea Bargaining’.
- ‘Third Vertical Interaction Course’ (VIC), on the theme ‘Victimological Application to Police and Criminal Justice Administration’, for IPS/Senior Police Officers, under the aegis of ‘Centre for Criminology and Victimology’, NLUD, from 6-10 March, 2017. Addressed participants on ‘Judicial Trends regarding Crime Victims–A View from Supreme Court Rulings’.
- ‘Training Programme for Trainers’ for Police officers (TOT), in association with ‘Sheffield Hallam University’, U.K., from 7-11 November, 2016.
- ‘Three Day Workshop for Police Officers & Lawyers’ on ‘Handling Women & Girl Victims of Violence’. This was in association with ‘Sheffield Hallam University’, U.K., 19-21 September, 2016.
- ‘Second Vertical Interaction Course’ on the theme ‘Police Leadership and Accountability in Democratic Society’, for IPS/Senior Police Officers; under the aegis of ‘Centre for Criminology and Victimology’, NLUD, from 5-9 September, 2016. He addressed participants on ‘Police Sub-Culture and Accountability’.
- ‘National Workshop on Doctrinal Legal Research’ under the auspices of ‘Centre for Criminology & Victimology’ and ‘Professor Theodore Eisenberg Centre for Empirical Legal Research’, 8-10 August, 2016. He addressed participants on various topics, like—Principles of Doctrinal/Qualitative Research, Case Study and Case Law Analysis, Content Analysis, Developing a Proposal for Doctrinal/Qualitative Research, etc.
- ‘Vertical Interaction Course’ on the theme ‘Law and Justice’ for IPS/Senior Police Officers, under the aegis of ‘Centre for Criminology and Victimology’, NLUD, 25-29 July, 2016. He addressed participants on—‘Victims, Victimisation and Criminal Justice System’ and ‘Training, Research and Reforms in Promoting Justice’.
- Course on ‘Gender Sensitisation Training for Investigation Officers’ of Delhi Police, 29-31 March, 2016.
- Short Course on ‘Contradiction, Critique & Criminal Justice’ by Prof. Alan Norrie, Professor, ‘School of Law’, University of Warwick. This was under ‘MHRD Scheme of Global Initiative of Academic Network’, from 14-18 March, 2016.
- ‘Third International Workshop on Empirical Legal Research’, under the auspices of ‘National Academy for Law Teachers’ (NALT), and ‘Professor Theodore Eisenberg Centre for Empirical Legal Research’, 16-22 November, 2015. He addressed participants on several topics, namely: Basics of ELR, Basic Steps in ELR—Objectives, Hypothesis building and Drafting, Identification of Variables and Process of Quantification, Data Analysis—Principles, Methods and Tools, Data Processing, Planning and Coding, and Presentation of Research Proposal.
- ‘Advanced Course on Current Developments in Substantive and Procedural Criminal Laws’, under the auspices of ‘National Academy for Law Teachers’ (NALT), 1-5 June, 2015. He was a Co-speaker in the sessions, namely: (1.) ‘Theoretical Foundations of Criminal Law covering Political Theory and Criminal Law and Republicanism as the Emerging Paradigm of Criminal Law’; (2.) ‘Theoretical Foundations of Criminal Procedures covering Procedural Rules as Regulatory Device, Procedural Rules as a Means of Allocating Competence to Diverse Agencies and Procedural Rules as a Framework for Review of Processual Errors’; (3.) ‘Privatisation of Criminal Justice covering Plea Bargaining, Compounding of Cases and Withdrawal from Prosecution’; (4.) ‘Skewed Approach to Victims’ Interest in Criminal Justice covering Unresponsiveness of the System to Lodging of an F.I.R. or Complaint, Strange Court Environment and Hostility of Adversary Parties, Greater Chance of Acquittals in Botched up Investigation Process and Assessment of Victim’s Participation in the Trial Process’.
- Workshop on ‘Regulation and Management of Groundwater in the Age of Climate Change: Need for Legal Reforms in India’, in association with ‘School of Oriental and African Studies’ (SOAS), London, and ‘U.K. India Education and Research Initiative’ (UKIERI), New Delhi, at NLUD, 10 April, 2015.
- Two-day event on ‘National Consultation on Contextualising Rule of Law and its Measurement’, 13-14 December, 2014.
- Pre-Consultation Meeting to deliberate upon issues to be dealt in greater depth in ‘National Consultation on Contextualising Rule of Law’, 13 November, 2014.
- ‘Capacity Development Course for Teachers’, in Criminology, 16-20 June, 2014.
- ‘Second National Workshop on Research Methods and Data Analysis’, 8-10 May, 2014.
- ‘National Workshop on Research Methods’ (ICSSR), 2-4 May, 2013.
- ‘International Workshop on Empirical Legal Research’ with ‘Cornell Law School’, USA, 2-7 February, 2013.
Prof. Bajpai organised several events, before his tenure with NLUD, 2011. They are as follows:
- ‘Workshop on Legal Research Methodology’, NLIU, Bhopal, 1-5 October, 2009.
- Organising Secretary for ‘31st All India Criminology Conference’, 18-21 February, 2008.
- Two days Seminar on ‘Standards of Research in Universities’, 8-9 February, 2006).
- Five day ‘Workshop on Research Methodology and Computer Applications’, at ‘Dept. of Criminology & FSC’. Dr. HSG University, Sagar, 4-8 March, 2003.
- Five day Workshop on ‘Computer Applications in Social Science Research’, at ‘Dept. of Criminology & FSC’. Dr. HSG University, Sagar, 3-7 December, 2001.
- National Seminar on ‘Development, Crime and Criminal Justice Administration’ at ‘Dept. of Criminology & FSC’. Dr. HSG University, Sagar, 2-3 February, 2001.
- ‘National Seminar on Victimology’, at ‘Punjab Police Academy’, Phillaur, 12-14 May, 1998.