  1. Delivered valedictory address in the "Two Days Training Programme for the First Class Judicial Magistrates on Human Rights: Issues and Challenges"  organized by the Indian Law Institute on 27th July 2024
  2. Delivered inaugural address in Training Program on “The New Criminal Justice System” for IAS / DANICS Officers organized by Directorate of Training (Union Territories Civil Services), Delhi on 12th June, 2024
  3. Delivered lecture on "New Criminal Laws in India: Key Insights” as part of UGC's Chetna Series of lectures on 10th June, 2024.
  4. Chaired a Session in the Seven Days Faculty Development Programme on "Human Rights, Values and Ethics in Higher Education in India" organized by the Department of Laws, Panjab University in collaboration with the UGC-MHRD Centre, Panjab University, Chandigarh on 20th May, 2022.
  5. Invited to deliver a talk in the International Conference on, "Emerging Role of Skill Development and Training Programs in improving Work Efficiency" organized by the S.K. Associates & Group, Hyderabad on May 17, 2022.
  6. Delivered a talk in the International Symposium on Contextualization of Jurisprudence from Decolonial Perspective organized by Kathmandu School of Law and Asian Association of Law Professors in collaboration with Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law and Hebei University of Economics and Business, Law School on May 15, 2022.
  7. Invited as Resource Person in the Advance Course in Criminal Law for Criminal Law Teachers from India and South Asia organized by the National Law University Delhi under the aegis of National Academy of Law Teachers, NLU Delhi on May 4-5, 2022.
  8. Invited as a Panelist in the special Prime Time English show 'Perspective' on 'the Right to Repair' by the Sansad TV on May, 03, 2022.
  9. Delivered Valedictory address in the UGC-Stride Seven Day Online Faculty Development Programme on "Legal Research Methodology: Interdisciplinary approaches" jointly organised by UGC Stride, School of Indian Legal Thought and Department of Lifelong Learning, Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam on April 30, 2022.
  10. Delivered a talk on Current Status and Challenges of Protection and Support for Victims in India in the virtual 30th International Conference of Korean Association of Victimology on April 29, 2022.
  11. Invited as Resource Person in the Eight Days Faculty Development Programme on Emerging Trends of Legal Education organized by the National University of Juridical Sciences, Kolkata from April 23-30, 2022.
  12. Invited as a Panelist in the Programme on Discussion on Death Penalty by the APN News on April, 23, 2022.
  13. Delivered a talk on “Emerging Victim Jurisprudence and its impact on Criminal Law” in the Lecture Series organised by the Dr. Hari Singh Gour Vishvavidyalaya on 13 April, 2022.
  14. Chaired as Session on Global Legal Education – Responding to Covid – 19 in the Virtual International Association of Law Schools (IALS), Asia Pacific Law Deans Forum – 2022 hosted by the Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law, Punjab and IALS on 29th March, 2022.
  15. Delivered Inaugural Lecture on the topic of Victimological Jurisprudence in the Lecture Series on Decoding Victimology & Victim Justice organized by the Jindal Institute of Behavioural Sciences, O. P. Jindal Global University on 23rd March 2022.
  16. Invited as Resource Person in the International Webinar on Handling Erroneous Convictions: Learnings from the American Experience" on 14th March, 2022.
  17. Invited as Keynote Speaker at the 1st National Workshop on Doctrinal Legal Research Methodology organized by the School of Law, JECRC University, Jaipur on 12th March, 2022.
  18. Invited as Resource Person in the online training programme of legal professionals from Mbabane, Kingdom of Eswatini on the topic ‘Study of Witnesses: Issues and Challenges’  organized by the National Law University Jodhpur in collaboration with the Indian Technical and Economic Cooperation, Ministry of External Affairs, Government of India on 7th March, 2022.
  19. Invited as Keynote Speaker at the Inaugural Session of Ten Days Workshop on Research Methodology organized by the Gujarat National Law University, Gandhinagar on 19thFebruary, 2022.
  20. Invited as Keynote Speaker at the 3rdAnnual International Conference on Comparative Law organized by Amity Law School, Noida in partnership with the School of Business and Law, Edith Cowan University, Western Australia on  18-19 February, 2022.
  21. Invited as a Panelist in the Regional Consultation on “Review of Criminal Law-Improvement in Status of Women” organized by the National Commission for Women in collaboration with Department of Laws, Panjab University, Chandigarh on 12 February, 2022.
  22. Invited as the Chief Guest at the Inaugural of the Two Days Virtual International Conference on Emerging Environmental Issues and Challenges organized by the Shillong Law College on 11 February, 2022.
  23. Invited as Resource Person in the Two Day Colloquium on the theme of Criminology and Criminal Justice Reforms organized by the National Forensic Sciences University, Gandhinagar in association with the Indian Society of Criminology, the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime and the Gujarat National Law University, Gandhinagar on December 21-22, 2021.
  24. Guest of Honour and Keynote Speaker’ at the Inaugural Session of One-Day E- International Seminar on “Data Protection and Data Privacy” organised by Law Mantra Trust in Collaboration with the Indian Law Institute, New Delhi, Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law, Punjab, Maharashtra National Law University-Nagpur and Advanced Centre on Research, Development & Training in Cyber Law and Forensics, National Law School of India University, Bangalore on 18 December, 2021.
  25. Chief Guest at the Mahaparinirvan Divas of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar organised by the District Administration, Patiala on 06 December, 2021.
  26. Invited as Plenary Speaker at the International Webinar on the theme The Existence of Legal Digitalization in Reinforcing of Legal Development in Contemporary World” organized by the Faculty of Law Universitas Muslim Indonesia, Makassar, South Sulawesi, Indonesia on 04 December, 2021.
  27. Delivered a talk on “Transforming the Text: Changing Themes in Legal Publications” at the three-day virtual Global Law Schools' Summit on “The Present and Future of Global Legal Education” organised by the Jindal Global Law School of P. Jindal Global University on 2nd December, 2021.
  28. Attended AIU and CII Roundtable Conference organised jointly by Association of Indian Universities, New Delhi (AIU) and Confederation of Indian Industries in association with Microsoft on 29th November, 2021.
  29. Delivered a talk at the Inaugural Session of the One Day Collaborative Seminar on Social Security for Urban Poor: Affordable Housing and Sanitation being organized under the aegis of the Chair on Urban Poor and the Law (Ministry of Housing and Urban Poverty Alleviation), NLSIU, Bangalore through online mode on 26thNovember, 2021.
  30. Invited as Keynote Speaker at the National Webinar on “Human Aspects of Indian Constitution” organized by the Dr. B.R. Ambedkar University of Social Sciences, MHOW, Madhya Pradesh on 26th November, 2021.
  31. Invited as Distinguished Speaker at the Panel discussion on the topic of "Future of Legal Education in India: Issue and Challenges” organized by the Department of Laws Panjab University Chandigarh on 23rd November, 2021.
  32. Was invited as the Chief Guest at the District level Inter-School Competition – Botzone, a Robotics Workshop cum Championship organized by the DAV Public School, Patiala on 14th November, 2021.
  33. Delivered a talk on ‘Emerging Discourses on Forgiveness in the Criminal Justice System’ at the 1st Annual Conference of the Office for National Unity and Reconciliation, Colombo on 30th October, 2021.
  34. Delivered a talk on ‘Victims & Restorative Justice’ at the 10th International Conference on Victim Assistance organised by the OP Jindal University, Sonipat on 22nd October, 2021.
  35. Addressed the newly appointed Delhi Judicial Services Officers on ‘Witnesses in Criminal Justice System’ in the Induction Course (16 October, 2021).
  36. Delivered Inaugural address at the launch of 2nd Edition of Online Certificate Course on Legal Aid and Allied Laws organized by ProBono India in collaboration with Legal Services Committee Gujarat National Law University, Gandhinagar & RGNUL Legal Aid Clinic, Patiala on 02nd October, 2021.
  37. Delivered a talk at the Online Induction Programme of Undergraduate students of 2021-26 Batch of Symbiosis Law School, Nagpur on 21st September, 2021.
  38. Was Invited as the Chief Guest and delivered Inaugural address at the Two Weeks Online Capacity Building Program on the theme of “Shaping the Future of Regulations in Emerging Digital Era'' organized by the Forum of Indian Regulators (FOIR) Indian Institute of Corporate Affairs, Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Govt. of India on 13th September, 2021.
  39. Delivered a talk at the Orientation Programme of the New Batch of LL.M. students of Damodaram Sanjivayya National Law University, Visakhapatnam on 03rd September, 2021.
  40. Delivered a talk on 'Victim Justice and Role of Courts' at the one week long Virtual Monsoon Course on Advanced Criminal Law organised by the Centre for Criminal Law, Criminology and Victimology, NUJS, Kolkata on 02nd September, 2021.
  41. Special Address for the Inaugural Ceremony of the One-Day International Virtual Conference on Regulation of Sports and Entertainment Law organized by the Centre for Sports and Entertainment Law, Policy & Research, Jagran Lake University, Bhopal in collaboration with Centre for Alternative Dispute Resolution, RGNUL, Punjab on 1st August, 2021.
  42. Delivered a talk on 'Selection of Topics for Research, Research Proposal and Quality of Research' to the Ph.D. Research Scholars of Central University of Punjab, Bathinda on 28th July, 2021.
  43. Delivered Inaugural address at the Faculty Development Programme on Law and Economics organised by Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law, Punjab on 26th July, 2021.
  44. Delivered a talk on “Legal Research Skills and Methodologies” to the Judges of Bhutan in the Capsule Style Intensive Training Programme for Capacity Building on e-platform organized by the National Law University Jodhpur in collaboration with the Indian Technical and Economic Cooperation, Ministry of External Affairs, Government of India on 26th July, 2021.
  45. Delivered talk on “State Funded Compensation for Indian Crime Victims In an International Context” at the 17th Asian Post Graduate Course on Victimology, Victim Assistance and Criminal Justice organized by the OP Jindal Global University, Sonipat on 24th July, 2021.
  46. Was Invited as the Chief Guest  and delivered the Valedictory address at the Valediction of the Lloyd Law College, Trial Advocacy Competition 2021 organised by the Lloyd Law College, Greater Noida and Vashishtha Law Office’s on 18th July, 2021.
  47. Was invited as the Keynote Speaker in International Conference on International Day of Criminal Justice organized by the School of Law, Arka Jain University, Jamshedpur, Jharkhand, India on 17th July, 2021.
  48. Delivered Lecture on “Challenges to the Out-come based teaching, learning and research during Covid 19 period” at the One Week Online Faculty Development Programme on “Outcome-Based Teaching Learning Methods & Research In Law” organized by the Sharda University School of Law (SUSOL) on 14th July, 2021.
  49. Delivered Inaugural Address at the Two Days Faculty Development Programme on "Designing, Developing and Delivering Blended Learning Courses with MOODLE LMS" organized by the RGNUL from 12-13 July, 2021.
  50. Participated and attended the stake-holders meet of Legal Education Institutions regarding NAAC Assessment and Accreditation of Legal Education Colleges and Universities organized by the NAAC, Bangalore on 7th July, 2021.
  51. Delivered lecture in the Online Refresher Course organised by the Department of Legal Studies & Research, Barkatullah University, Bhopal & Droit Penale Group in-collaboration with Guru Angad Dev Teaching Learning Centre, Pandit Madan Mohan Malviya National Mission on Teachers and Teaching (PMMMNMTT), Ministry of Education, Government of India on 23rd June, 2021.
  52. Delivered a talk on “Qualitative Data Analysis and Interpretation” through online mode at the Faculty Development Programme organised by the National Law University, Odisha (18 June, 2021).
  53. Delivered the Inaugural Address on the topic relating to ‘Situational Crimes: Role of GIS and GPS’ on 18th November, 2020. This was part of a “Workshop on Crime mapping and Crime Analysis: Role and Responsibilities of Criminal Justice Functionaries”, organised by LNJN National Institute of Criminology and Forensic Science, MHA, GoI, from 18th-20th November 2020.
  54. Invited as a Panellist in the Session V titled ‘Latest Amendments to the Prevention of Corruption Act as an Impetus to the Fight against Corruption’ on 28th October 2020. The session was part of the “National Conference on Vigilance and Anti-Corruption – ‘Vigilant India- Prosperous India’ (‘सतकभारत, समृ भारत’)”, organised by the CBI from 27th-29th October, 2020.
  55. Invited to speak at a Plenary session in the ‘Prof. Madhava Menon Legal Conclave, 2020’, organised by NUJS, Kolkata from 31st January-1st Feb 2020, at the De Sovrani. The session was on “Grounding Constitutionalism in Legal Education”.
  56. Invited as a Resource Person in a one week Faculty Development Programme on ‘Research Methodology and Legal Research’, at the Maharashtra National Law University Mumbai, on 15th January 2020.
  57. Invited as Resource Person to deliver a lecture on the topic ‘Rights of Victims’, at the Two Days Training Programme for First Class Magistrates on Human Rights: Issue and Challenges, on September 22, 2019. It was organised by the Indian Law Institute in collaboration with National Human Rights Commission (NHRC).
  58. Invited as a Resource Person by ‘The Centre for Professional Development in Higher Education (CPDHE), UGC-HRDC, University of Delhi’. It conducted a Refresher Course in Law and Social Transformation (SRC) for the University and College teachers. The two lectures delivered were on Research Methodology and Law and Social Transformation, on 23rd July, 2019.
  59. Invited as a Guest Speaker for a training session in a training programme for students, organised by ‘The Bar Council of India’ along with ‘AIR Law Academy & Research Center’. Delivered a lecture on ‘Victim Advocacy’, for the programme held at the Bar Council of India Auditorium, New Delhi, on 21st July, 2019.
  60. Invited as a Resource Person for a ‘One Week Refresher Course for Law Teachers in Memoriam: Prof. N.R. Madhava Menon and his exemplary contribution to Indian Legal education’. This was organized by ‘School of Law, Jagran Lakecity University’, Bhopal from 2nd-8th July 2019. The lecture was held on the 3rd July, 2019, on the topic “Evolution of Critical Criminal Law”.
  61. Invited Speaker at the ‘One Week Prof. N. R. Madhava Menon Refresher Course for Law Teachers’, from June 7-June 13, 2019, themed on “March of Law: Legal, Policy and Institutional Challenges to Urban Governance in India: Towards Making Our Cities More Sustainable and Liveable”.  Conducted three sessions in this Course on ‘Teaching Methods in Law’ and ‘Research and Ethics’. It was organised by NLS Bangalore, in association with Bar Council of Kerala M. K. Nambyar Academy for Continuing Legal Education Kochi, and Directorate of Municipal Administration, State Government of Karnataka, held at International Training Centre, NLSIU.
  62. Invited as an expert at ‘Institute of Law, Nirma University’, for a Workshop on Research Methodology, on 9 and 10 May, 2019. This was to guide the existing researchers in developing their research skills and introduce them to a range of research strategies and techniques.
  63. Invited to address the Officer Trainees of the ‘IAS Professional Course Phase-I’ (2018 Batch), on the topic “Victim Compensation and Legal Aid”, on March 7, 2019. This was organised by the ‘Lal Bahadur Shastri National Academy of Administration’ (Govt. of India), Mussoorie. It was intended for the 182 participants attending the course, officer trainees of the IAS and Royal Bhutan Civil Service.
  64. Plenary Speaker in the Seminar titled “Towards a Sustainable Environment: Sociological Configurations of Environmental Crime”, on the topic “Global Risk Society vis-a-vis Environmental Crime”. This was jointly organised by Department of Sociology, Stella Maris College, Chennai and Department of Criminology, University of Madras, on February 7, 2019.
  65. Delivered lecture on "Research Methodology" with special focus on 'Framing of Hypothesis', at the Faculty of Law, University of Delhi, on January 22, 2019. This was organised to seek guidance, academic help with scholarly counsel for Ph.D. scholars pursuing their course work.
  66. Addressed the audience on the topic, “Law, Crime and Happiness”, in an International Seminar on “Crime and Criminal Justice in Recent Times: Issues of Concern”. This was organised by ‘Centre for Criminology, Victimology and Police Science’, Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology (KIIT), Bhubaneswar, Orissa, 20th January, 2019.
  67. Addressed the participants of 91st Course on Criminology and Forensic Science on the subject, ‘Applications of Criminology in Crime Control and Prevention’ on 16th January 2019 in the course organized by LNJN National Institute of Criminology and Forensic Science, New Delhi.
  68. Addressed the Senior Officers of Govt. of Madhya Pradesh on 'Law and Happiness' in a training programme organized by RCVP Norohna Academy of Administration, Bhopal on 10th July, 2018.
  69. Addressed the participants on 'Research Methods and Writing Research Proposals' in Faculty Development Programme organized by NLU Odisha on 29th June, 2018.
  70. Addressed the participants on ‘Restoration of the Victims of Crime’ in Course on Crime against Women and Children organized by LNJN NICFS, Delhi on 05th April 2018.
  71. Addressed the Ph.D Scholars on ‘Research Methods vs Methodology’ and ‘Quantitative and Qualitative Research’ at Maharashtra National Law University, Nagpur on 08th March 2018.
  72. Delivered Welcome Address in the Special Lecture on ‘Sense of Shame as a Virtue’ delivered by Prof. Josef Drexl, Director, Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition, Munich at NLU Delhi on 10th February 2018.
  73. Addressed the audience on ‘Empirical Methods in Legal Research’ and ‘Hypothesis Building and Verification in Legal Research’ in Research Methodology Course Work organized by the West Bengal National University of Juridical Sciences on 30th January 2018.
  74. Addressed the participants on ‘Application of Criminology in Crime Control and Prevention’ in 90th Course on Criminology and Forensic Science on 9th January 2018 organized by LNJN National Institute of Criminology & Forensic Science, Delhi.
  75. Addressed the participants on ‘Social and Economic Rehabilitation and After Care Service to Related Prisoners’ in Two Days Training Programme for Prison Officials on ‘Human Rights Issues and Challenges’ organized by the Indian Law Institute, New Delhi on 16th December 2017.
  76. Addressed the audience on ‘Evolution of Victimology Jurisprudence by Supreme Court of India’ on 26th October 2017 at Faculty of Legal Studies, South Asian University.
  77. Participated in 15th Asian Post Graduate Course on Victimology, Victim Assistance and Criminal Justice and addressed the audience on the topic ‘Enabling Victim Participation in Criminal Justice Process’ on 25th October 2017 organized by Centre for Victimology & Psychological Studies, O.P. Jindal Global University, Haryana.
  78. Member of the Jury in the final round of Debate Competition on the topic, ‘There is no National Security without respect for Human Rights’ organized by National Human Rights Commission on 14 September 2017.
  79. Invited as discussant by Doordarshan in ‘Meri Baat’ on Discussion Topic – ‘Azadi Ke Mayne –Aaj Ke Sandarbh Mein’ on 01st August 2017.
  80. Addressed the participants on ‘Data Analysis’ in Faculty Development Programme on ‘Multi-Disciplinary Approaches to Research & Development in Law & Technology’ organized by the Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University on 24 July 2017.
  81. Addressed the participants on Data Collection, Data Analysis, Sampling, SPSS, Developing Research proposal using Empirical and Doctrinal Research in Faculty Development Programme on ‘Innovative Research and Teaching Methodologies in Contemporary Era’ organized by UPES Dehradun on 19-20 July 2017.
  82. Addressed the participants on ‘How to Develop and Integrate Field Research Pedagogy in Legal Education’ in Faculty Refresher Programme on the theme ‘How to Build GEMS to Nurture CHAMPS for Legal Profession’ organized by Institute of Law, Nirma University on 21st June 2017.
  83. Addressed the participants on ‘Innovative Teaching Learning Methods and Research in Law’ in Faculty Development Programme organized by Sharda University, Noida on 30th May 2017.
  84. Addressed the participants in the inaugural ceremony of Centre of Environmental Law, Policy and Research at NLU Delhi on 27th April 2017.
  85. Delivered special lectures on conducting research for thesis, research design, hypothesis and empirical research to faculty members, Ph.D and LL.M students in workshop on Research organized by V.M. Salgaocar College of Law, Goa on 21 March 2017.
  86. Participated and addressed the audience in the ‘Research Methodology’ Workshop organized by KIIT School of Law (KSOL) on 28th January 2017.
  87. Delivered a Presentation on the Research Project – ‘Community Policing –Concept and Application in the meeting of Micro Mission (02) (National Police Mission Project) at Bureau of Police Research and Development, New Delhi on 27th January 2017.
  88. Addressed the participants on ‘Contemporary Theories of Crime Control and their Applicability in India’ in special lecture series on Police Professionalism and Contemporary Challenges, organized by DG's Research and Policy Analysis Cell, Madhya Pradesh Police on 17th January 2017.
  89. Addressed the audience on Research Methods, Research Designs, Choosing appropriate Sample, Methods to Analyse data and Developing Research Proposals in ‘Five Days Faculty Development Workshop’ organized by UPES, Dehradun on 06th January 2017.
  90. Addressed the participants on ‘Rights of Victims of Crime’ in a Course on Human Rights organized by LNJN National Institute of Criminology and Forensic Science, Delhi on 29.12.2016.
  91. Addressed the audience in a special event organized by ‘Galgotias University’ on 01st October 2016. A special lecture on ‘Individual Dignity under the Constitution’ was delivered by Hon’ble Mr. Justice Dipak Misra, Judge, Supreme Court of India on this occasion.
  92. Addressed the students of LL.M (Access to Justice Programme) at Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai on various topics such as Research Methods, Making a Research Plan, Sentencing and Victims in Criminal Justice System on 19-20 July 2016.
  93. Addressed the participants on the topics, ‘Sentences and Sentencing in Criminal Cases’ and ‘Plea Bargaining and Settlement without Trial’ in ‘Continuing Legal Education Workshop for Young Advocates’ organized by IBA-CLE Chair, NLSIU Bangalore and M.K. Nambyar Academy for Continuing Legal Education, Kochi in association with Jharkhand Bar Council Academy on the theme, ‘Introduction to Criminal Law Practice and Advocacy’ at Judicial Academy Jharkhand on 17th July 2016.
  94. Addressed the Doctoral Students on the topics ‘Empirical Legal Research Methods and Doctrinal and Qualitative Methods in Legal Research’ in the Research Methodology Workshop held at NALSAR, Hyderabad on 19.04.2016.
  95. Addressed the participants on ‘Restorative Justice in the context of Victimology’ in a Course on Victimology & Victim Justice organized by LNJN National Institute of Criminology and Forensic Science, Delhi on 13.04.2016
  96. Addressed the LL.M students on the topic, ‘Victim and Criminal Procedure Law’ at Indian Law Institute, New Delhi on 11.04.2016
  97. Addressed the officers of Police, Prosecution, Judiciary, Defence Personnel and Prison/Correctional Administrator on ‘Rights of Victims of Crime’ in Course on Human Rights organized by LNJN National Institute of Criminology and Forensic Science, Delhi on 18.03.2016
  98. Addressed the LL.M Students of Indian Law Institute, New Delhi on ‘Investigation’ on 29.01.2016
  99. Addressed the participants on ‘Victimology’ in 88th Course on Criminology and Forensic Science organized by LNJN National Institute of Criminology and Forensic Science, Delhi on 07.01.2016
  100. Addressed the participants on the topic, ‘Social and Economic Rehabilitation and After Care Services Related to Prisoners in ‘Training Programme for Prison Officials’ organizes by ‘The Indian Law Institute’ on 13th December 2015.
  101. Addressed the participants in Dialogue on ‘Moving Towards a Victim-Oriented Criminal Justice System’ organized by National Law University, Delhi in association with Sheffield Hallam University, U.K. on 15th September 2015.
  102. Addressed the Advocates and other participants on ‘Victims Rights’ at Supreme Court Bar Association, New Delhi on 15th August 2015.
  103. Delivered lectures on ‘Doctrinal and Non Doctrinal Research’ and ‘Hypothesis and Research Design’ in Research Methodology Workshop on Legal and Interdisciplinary Research held on 08th August 2015 at Gujarat National Law University, Gandhinagar.
  104. Delivered lectures on ‘Status of Victim in Criminal Proceedings – Recent Legislative Developments & Landmark Rulings by Supreme Court of India’ & Teaching & Research in Criminal Law and Criminal Justice Administration’ in Professional Development Training Workshop for Advocates and Law Teachers on Criminal Law an Administration of Criminal Justice for Public Security on 25th and 26th July 2015, organized by IBA Chair on Continuing Legal Education, NLSIU Bengaluru, Menon Institute of Legal Advocacy Training, Trivandrum in association with NLU Jodhpur at NLU Jodhpur.
  105. Delivered lectures on Legal Research: An Introduction to Empirical Research Methods and Legal Writing: Best Practices in Professional Development Workshop for Law Teachers on Law Teaching and Research for Better Delivery of Legal Services at Saveetha University, Chennai, organized by IBA Chair on Continuing Legal Education, NLSIU Bengaluru and Menon Institute of Legal Advocacy and Training in association with Saveetha University School of Law, Chennai on 03rd July 2015.
  106. Addressed the officers of Police, Prosecution, Judiciary, Defence Personnel and Prison/Correctional Administrator on ‘Rights of Victims’ in Course on Victimology and Victim Justice organized by LNJN National Institute of Criminology and Forensic Science, Delhi on 30.06.2015
  107. Conducted two sessions on ‘Understanding the Legal System: An Introduction to Criminal Procedure’ in Capsule Course on Law for the Officers of the Indian Defence Estates Services on 19th May 2015 at NLU Delhi.
  108. Addressed the participants in a Conference on Strengthening Justice Delivery System for Additional Sessions Judges on the topic, ‘Origin & Development of Criminal Justice Models’ and ‘Revisiting General Principles of Criminal Jurisprudence’ organized by Delhi Judicial Academy on 17th April 2015.
  109. Addressed the Judges/Magistrates, Dy. SP/ACP & above, Prosecution Officials and Defence Personnel on ‘Applications of Criminology in Crime Control & Prevention’ in 87th Course in Criminology & Forensic Science organized by LNJN, National Institute of Criminology and Forensic Science on 12th March 2015.
  110. Addressed the officers of Police, Prosecution, Judiciary, Defence Personnel and Prison/Correctional Administrator on ‘Rights of Victims of Crime’ in Course on Human Rights organized by LNJN National Institute of Criminology and Forensic Science, Delhi on 16th February 2015
  111. Addressed the officers Police, Prosecution, Judiciary, Defence Personnel, Prison/Correctional Administration on ‘Victim Offender Relationship’ under Course on Victimology and Victim Justice organized by LNJN National Institute of Criminology and Forensic Science, Delhi on 17th July 2014.
  112. Addressed the officers Police, Prosecution, Judiciary, Defence Personnel, Prison/Correctional Administration on ‘Problems of Pendency’ under Course on Crime and Justice organized by LNJN National Institute of Criminology and Forensic Science, Delhi on 06th May 2014.
  113. Addressed the officers Police, Prosecution, Judiciary, Prison/Correctional Administration on ‘Use and Importance of research for the Correction of Offenders’ under Course on Expediting Justice through Research organized by LNJN National Institute of Criminology and Forensic Science, Delhi on 04th March 2014.
  114. Resource person at for Advanced Course for Prison Officials, organized by the National Institute Of criminology & Forensic science, New Delhi, July 4, 2013
  115. Visiting Faculty at Academy of Custom & Excise, Faridabad for delicering lectures on Criminal Law during 17-22 June, 2013.
  116. Panel Speaker at Jindal Global Law School in ‘International Conference on Professionalism in Victim Assistance Program in India’on Feb 22, 2013
  117. Resource Person for Trg. Course of Directors State judicial Training Academies, Ja.11, 2013
  118. Resource person at Institute of Law, Nirma University, Ahmadabad in Teachers Training Programme January 3-4, 2013
  119. Resource person at NLUD in Basic Course on Criminal Procedure, Dec 8- 14,2012
  120. Resource person at NLSIOU, Bangalore in ‘Teachers Training Programme Nov,2012
  121. Key speaker for Advanced Course for Prison Officials, organized by the National Institute Of criminology & Forensic science, New Delhi
  122. Invited to conduct a workshop on research methodology by St Thomas College, Bhilai (Jan. 19-20, 2012)
  123. Panel Speaker at Indore invited by MP Police – TISS collaboration Seminar on Democratization of Police – December 21, 2011
  124. Panel Speaker at Jindal Global Law School, Sonipat in a Seminar on ‘Abolition of Death Penalty’ (November 15, 2011)
  125. Invited as Panel speaker at NLU Delhi for Seminar on Victim Justice held on 22 Oct. 2011
  126. Plenary speaker at ‘National Seminar on the Statues of Girl Children, Lucknow University, Lucknow ( Oct 30 & Nov 1, 2011)
  127. Resource person at faculty of law Barkatullah University, Bhopal (15 & 16 Sept 2011)
  128. Resource Person at Bhoj (open) University, Bhopal for LL M course
  129. Conducted workshop on “Research Methodology” at Centre for Social Justice, Ahmedabad, June 24-26, 2011.
  130. Conducted two sessions at ‘ Workshop on Legal Research Methodology’ held at Institute of Law, Nirma University, Ahmedabad from during May 7-8, 2011.
  131. Plenary paper titled ‘ Law Impact Assessment: Need, Scope and Methodology’ at the National Seminar on “Law Impact Assessment” organized by the Institute of Law, Nirma University, Ahmedabad.
  132. Conducted invited lectures to law students at KIIT School of Law, KIT University, Bhuwaneswar
  133. Plenary speaker tilted ‘ Towards Subaltern Victimological Jurisprudence’ at 3rd International and & 7th Biennial Conference of Indian Society of Victimology Jan. 6-8, 2011 held at KIIT School of Law, KIT University, Bhuwaneswar.
  134. Theme paper titled “ Law & Morality’ at the International Seminar on “Commemoration of 150 years of IPC” 14-15 December, 2010 held at RML National Law University, Lucknow.
  135. A lecture on ‘Situational Crime Prevention Strategies” delivered at LNJN National Institute of Criminology & Forensic Science, MHA, New Delhi to Judicial/ Police and Prosecution officials on July 12, 2010.
  136. A lecture to probationers of civil service at Academy of Administration Aug. 18, 2010 on “Prevention of Corruption Act”.
  137. A presentation on ‘ Efficacy of Cyber Law Enforcement- A judicial Impact Analysis’ at the Indian Council Of Social Science of Research, New Delhi
  138. Made a presentation on ‘Witness in the criminal Justice Process’ at Bureau of Police Research & Development, MHA, New Delhi
  139. Lecture at “Crime & justice course for Judges/Police and Prison Officials” at National Institute of Criminology & Forensic Science, New Delhi
  140. Key speaker at National Seminar on Human Rights & Criminal Justice Administration organized by the Department of criminology, University of Madras
  141. Key Note Address at St Thomas College Bhilai Oct.30, 2009.
  142. Theme paper Presenter in 33rd ALL India criminology Conference at Department of Law, Kashmir University
  143. Key Speaker at Police Training research Institute, Bhopal
  144. Chairperson at MLB College Bhopal
  145. Key speaker at NJA on Legal research Method
  146. Key speaker at BHEL on Cyber Crime